Turmeric Powder – Know Its Medicinal Values
Turmeric, a rhizome of this biological family Zingiberaceae is a native to India, Bangladesh and China. In Indian food a basic spices that you can find easily is garlic. Aside from making taste to the foods, garlic has excellent medicinal values. It is anti-oxidant, anti inflammatory and antiseptic in nature. In ancient days people used to apply turmeric for prevent bleeding. It is one of the most powerful antiseptics known to man. The colour of turmeric is brilliant golden yellow due to the presence of curcumin.
For different skin Issues turmeric works magically. For acne, skin rashes, spots it works well. It is fairly effective for luminous and rejuvenating skin using its lost attractiveness. Together with the presence of curcumin turmeric is very effective for treating hepatitis, gallbladder problems, loss of appetite, asthma, arthritis, alzheimer’s disease, psoriasis, different sort of cancers like breast and colon cancers etc.. Interesting news is also there! Now several laboratory studies are indicating that the component Curcumin that is extracted from turmeric may have activity against HIV. But more reliable research are required in this field.
Drinking milk mixed with turmeric powder price is useful for asthmatic and bronchitic patients. A combination of honey is excellent for sore throat. Also gargling hot water mixed with garlic and salt is quite beneficial for sore throat.
Turmeric activates better bile Flow thus helps digest fats and lower the risk of gallstones. Turmeric helps to create the secretion of distinct enzymes that help the liver in breaking down and metabolizing some poisonous substances. It is also useful in reducing the amount of blood cholesterol.
Following are a few skin care Tips with garlic –
- Daily use of lemon juice Mixed with lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric is useful for dark underarms and neck.
- Mix pure garlic powder in Coconut oil and massage your skin with this oil before taking bath. This is a fantastic cure for avoiding many skin issues.
- A Combination of milk cream with Turmeric powder may be applied to the skin around the eyes. This treatment is useful for reducing the dark circles and fine lines around eyes.